Refund and Returns Policy

In case there is a problem with the product, we will replace the product or refund entire amount plus return shipping charges. We will initiate the process within 48 to 72 hours. Amount will be refunded within 7 to 10 working days. Please note that we must be notified of the problem through Phone or e-mail within 24 hours of your receiving the product along with a short video of you unboxing the product. Our team will do thorough research before approving a refund / replacement. 

Please note that the product should be sent back along with original box and invoice to:

If bought in India:

Expert Nutrition
28-L, New Colony Cool Road, Jalandhar (Pb.) – 144001

Call: +91 94170 94730


If bought in Canada or U.S.A.

Caledon Health Food

18429, Hurontario Street, Caledon. ON. L7K0X8 Canada.

Call: +1 647 546 4344

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