100% Pure Carbs


  • No digestive upset or distress during training, zero bloat
  • No carb crash
  • The most effective way of filling glycogen stores
  • Accelerates muscle regeneration
  • Increases strength and improves endurance
  • Reduces the frequency of inflammation and symptoms of overtraining


100% Pure Carbs

Carbohydrates are essential in the art of making gains outside of the gym. And although they get a bad rap, they play an important role in being the body’s preferred energy source.

True… the body can get all the energy it needs from proteins and fats, but these macros don’t allow it to perform at the most optimal level… this is where the carbs come in!

Consuming powdered carbohydrate supplements makes it easy to hit your macro goals, not to mention allowing you to fuel up at the right times, offering real convenience at a low cost.

Why are carbs important for training?

  • Since carbs are the body’s preferred energy source, they’re even more important when it comes to strenuous exercise, helping to power through your workout all while preventing muscle breakdown (catabolism).
  • Plus they help to replenish glycogen, aid with recovery and ensure you’re reaping the gains you’re forever chasing!
  • We recommend using a high glycemic carb source before and during training to improve performance and sustain energy levels.
  • The easiest way to do this? …with Black Protein 100% Pure Carbs.

  • Black Protein 100% Pure Carbs  is a multiple chained carbohydrate and is absorbed very quickly which makes it a great intra workout carbohydrate supplement. It’s much gentler on the stomach than dextrose, and boost energy.

Nutritional Facts


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